Lily Head

It is sad to say that they have been misled by many of the so called

It is sad to say that they have been misled by many of the so called
“Gurus” out there claiming that they have the abilities or secrets in
doing so. Don’t fall into this trap for it can turn out to be a financial
disaster that can ruin your life. It is just too painful for one to bear.

The problem with most of us is that at the very first glimpse of what
we see or hear, we often find reasons to substantiate the information
that we want to believe. We tend to be bias and become one sided
thus anchoring our subsequent thoughts.

“Your ultimate success or failure will depend on your ability

“Your ultimate success or failure will depend on your ability
to ignore the worries of the world long enough to allow your
investments to succeed. It isn’t the head but the stomach
that determines the fate of the stock-picker” – Peter Lynch

You don’t need to prove that you are right

Traders who think that they have developed outstanding abilities,
knowledge, and skill in options trading are often egoistic in their
personality. They usually brag about their superficial abilities in trading
options and they will display their best winnings to boast about how
great they are.

They are not controlled by the money emotions and they only

They are not controlled by the money emotions and they only
respond and react to the market conditions as it is. They do not
predict the future and will not try to beat the markets, accepting the
fact that anything can happen.

You are fully responsible for all your actions as no one force you
into it and all the trades are entered by you. You must
understand that only when you are truthful to yourself and
accept the responsibility of all your losses then you are ready to
learn from your mistakes.