Lily Head

I need to know how many bedrooms and bathrooms they need

I need to know how many bedrooms and bathrooms they need. Do they want a pool? Do they like Spanish or contemporary? Whatever the client wants, I write it down and make note of it. I can then take their information and input it into the search criteria fields on the MLS service. Initially, I may come up with a long list of properties that are available. With this list of properties, we can be sure the home will contain the things they are looking for. Then comes one of the fun parts: I give this list of available properties to my client and they can drive by each of the houses on the list and see if they like the neighborhood and the “curb appeal” of the property.

there is no form

there is no form to fill out to send to anyone saying that the home is no longer available. With all the different sites out there that claim to have the latest information, it would be nearly impossible for them all to be up to date. With the MLS it is very different. If I do not tell the MLS that a status has changed from available to sold, they will fine me. I take that pretty seriously as most other agents do, so we make sure that the information is accurate. Wouldn’t you agree that is important to you? You deserve to have the most accurate and up to date information there is.
When I have a client looking for a certain type of property, I sit down with the client and carefully listen to what it is the client is looking for in a new home. Maybe they have a very special need or something they would like but is not really mandatory. I look at what areas they are interested in.

(MLS) The MLS is the database program

(MLS) The MLS is the database program all Realtors use. You need to be getting your information directly from the MLS. When I take a listing, my assistant inputs the information about the property into the MLS. At that precise moment, all Realtors have access to the property via MLS and can show the property to their buyers. One of the inputs my assistant makes is whether the seller wants to have the listing published on the Internet. Eventually, it will find its’ way on to the Internet and by then it may have already been shown by several agents with interested buyers. The other problem with these Internet “house search” sites is that there is not an urgency to take the sold listings off their sites or to change the status from available to sold. Part of the problem is that after an agent sells a home.

Even if your virtual assistant goes on vacation

Even if your virtual assistant goes on vacation,
your workflow is not interrupted. Most virtual assistants
have a network of other professionals who can
assist you during their absence.

Transcribing Dictation. The business owner recorded his or her dictation in MP3 format, emailed the file as an attachment to the virtual assistant. The virtual assistant returned the draft to the business owner in MS Word format which the business owner edited and mailed to his or her customers.

employee with the freedom

employee with the freedom to move on to become a problem for another law firm.

The Solution
After weighing all the information about the problems with hiring employees, Dennis said to himself: "There must be a way to run my bankruptcy law practice without hiring employees, relatives or friends of relatives." This is when he started researching on the internet and discovered the world of virtual assistants.
Dennis soon learned that many businesses (other than law firms) utilize virtual assistants for a variety of services. On the internet he found virtual assistants being used for:
1. Answering Phones and Taking Messages. The business owner forwarded his or her phone to the virtual assistant. The virtual assistant forwarded the messages to the business owner's email address immediately upon receipt for handling.


Approximately 15% of temporary employees have been known to commit fraudulent acts when working temporary jobs. Some unscrupulous people have the mindset that they can "get away with it" because they will not be working at the law firm when their crime is eventually discovered. Unfortunately, even when temporary employees have been caught in these acts, the normal recourse is to fire them. Rarely are they prosecuted. This leaves the temporary

Keep your money in your hand. You don’t pay a virtual assistant until after the work has been completed to your satisfaction. Hiring employees does not provide this luxury.

Dennis looked at his watch and asked Matt:

Dennis looked at his watch and asked Matt:

"How much time do you have?"

Matt replied: "All the time in the world for a
solution. I have waited a long time to talk with
someone like you."

Dennis understood Matt's problem because he too

Dennis understood Matt's problem because he too
had suffered through the same experience less than
two years ago. But through internet research, Dennis
had found an excellent solution that enabled him to
have more free time to work on other areas of law.
Additionally, he enjoyed the benefits of having a dedicated staff of employees that had been with him for
two years or more. His office was also very well-
organized, relatively calm, peaceful and had an
enjoyable work environment. Instead of "fighting fires"
he invested more time into pro bono work and other
civic activities he enjoyed.

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

written by

had implemented and how each one of them had