Lily Head

How to deal with the most annoying person?

How to deal with the most annoying person? 

To the most hated person study 
     Hate, it is emotional; study, it is rational. 
     "The Analects of Confucius," said: "Gou Zhi Ren say, no evil also." Do not feel that others are self-hate to hate people who are studying self-cultivation. 
     Stars, public figures, celebrities, 15-minute celebrities, Bo out who was "out of a Passion", but also in part by another person "dark tired." When the amount of information and signal strength exceeds the demand has become when one is tired look, a smile on. However, the object of hate, who also has the positive qualities you lack. The times they are a yardstick, review of your tolerance, magnanimity and self-confidence. 
     In addition, between the workplace, between classes, between cities, between countries, "hate mode" is hampering social progress. Aggressive competitors, the development of upstream segments of the path, the city's vitality hate, hate the country's successful marketing, cottage barbaric Product innovation, you can not turn a blind eye. 
     Hate are brakes, are studying ; hate is merely a show advertised and psychological balance technique, studying the progress of the people. Learn the most hated people who study its inch of their talents and study its light, self-help before the trip. To the most hated person study, study-type society is due. 
     How to deal with the most annoying person? 
     The most hated person in the world another I. How to deal with the most annoying people to form a new school of interpersonal relations, it is about the soul's own school, but also on other people's philosophical thinking, or sociological significance of the boosters, power valve. 
     Of people have two insects: one wretch, are an annoying pest. Wretch when attack brought compassion, hate, when insects attack brought revulsion and do not like it. Saying the last sentence: poor people must be of the detestable; it is missing the following sentence: those who hate to learn of the must. 
     Mechanism of hate, a psychologist, said: "When we hate someone, they often because other people have the same disadvantage with us." The other side will be exposed to our disadvantage, we will also hate him to express emotions. This is disgusting happened secret. 
     Master of Management Drucker overturned the previous experience, that is outstanding leaders must possess superior quality, similar to "successful managers of the merits of the top ten" and so on. Perseverance, courage, perseverance, determination, high EQ, communication, and better anti-stress terms are simply the embodiment of the leaders, and people are always think, why the other side are the supervisors and bosses, and their subordinates and employees are, because leaders who have their own do not have good quality. Mistake! Drucker's study found that those so-called all-around type of person, it is difficult to find, and have individual, though in line with the conditions shown by the work efficiency is very low. Drucker found that outstanding leaders in the difference between, just like doctors, teachers and other occupations, such as violinist, as have different types, the only similarities are that they often do not have the words, as described by different . 
     The embodiment of perfect does not exist, people must face all kinds of discomfort with others. 
     Hate: a society have not been improved sentiment 
     Communication technologies development and the advent of social media will inevitably crowd graded according to the spread of values: The most worthy of the spread of groups, groups that could be disseminated and audience. The first two in the body caused by the latter's role is to "signal amplification", when the amount of information and signal strength has become beyond the people's demand, this person will become "disgusting", and looked at all annoying, ridiculous . 
     Stars, public figures, celebrities, 15-minute celebrities, trying to out-Bo, and more or less, in some people "out of a Passion", but also in part by another person "dark tired." Herbert Spencer in "Social Statics" one book, said: "Every man's free to all on the same subject only to restrictions on the freedom." This is his "First Principles." Well-being of the standard it is difficult to determine, it is necessary to look for other ways to seek indirect. Hate as a negative sentiment implied by the media after he was released, it is self-broadcast carrier to combat the spread of mass media and express disdain, as to find a freedom of information exchange. 
     It is worth noting that among the different sectors and walks of life "disgusting mode" is hampering social progress. Jews said: "Even if you are poor, the rich should also be standing on the heap." However, when the class gradually clear after the class off the allocation of resources in society and access to, the possession of absolute advantage, which tend to spontaneously make a solid class, class mobility between the long and difficult, after the formation of second-generation rich in education, occupation, city of choice, in the middle and lower classes face even more difficult to enter the mainstream society. Therefore, for the rich voice of the real estate business can not afford to buy Zhi-Qiang Ren room will become the most hated person, the poor economist Mao Yushi is alleged to replace the moral economics. Each class has its own interests and spokesmen, they also hate each other, while the study did not adopt the mentality of understanding of each other, listen to each other. 
     The nationalists among the background of globalization, there is such a non-rational attitude, the most obvious example is the torch during the Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese people's discontent with the French because of the torch relay disruption in France, thereby triggering a Chinese boycott of French companies in Beijing Carrefour scene. This is the typical "mutual repulsive-type", it happened in China, and between France and even national events. 
     In addition, the values, lifestyle, sense of identity, each person has their own patterns of behavior. Around the breakdown, there will always be the most hated person there. Watercress line was established teams name is "I hate XX", Group Introduction is a lot of fun, said: "you hate the biological / things out, we cast aside along with him / her / it", the founders of humor added sentence: "in order to, in order to expand the dark side, gathered grievances." People in the above expression for the star, television, antivirus software, gathering, shopping activities, the winter long-distance, congestion, constellations, such as day-to-day events, candidates and the topic of hate for them. This little hate alliance and become a negative energy vent window. 
     Even the communications giant McLuhan also admitted he had been subjected to hate the plague: "has for many years until I wrote" mechanical bride ", I have all the new environment with an extreme attitude of moral judgments. I hate machines, obnoxious city, the Industrial Revolution with original sin equate to the mass media equate with degeneration. In short, I rejected almost every part of modern life. "But then, he will transform such negative emotions motivation for academic research, he said: "But I gradually felt that this kind of attitude is how useless useless." He became aware of the 20th century artists (Keats, Pound, Joyce, Eliot and others) found a different method, this method is built on the understanding of the process and the creative process into one of the foundation. He realized that artistic creation is the common experience of playback (playback) - from trash to treasure. "I am no longer a moralist, but has become a primary school." McLuhan said. 
     From hate mode to study mode 
     Place in the absence of oxygen, anaerobic bacteria will be rampant. Study is that oxygen and sterilization. 
    LiuSoLa have a book called "is alive in order to find similar", which is the artist's expression. Alive is not hate for dissidents, Russell said: "many states are the well-being of mixed origin." Critics have said: the most hated person in the world another I. Is true, the most annoying people are yet to be discovered the merits of the specter. 
     Zen has a famous legal case and are speaking FoYing Zen Master Su, Su FoYing ask a Zen master like who watch him, watch him like FoYing said the Buddha, Su was ridiculed Road: I watch you like a pile of cow dung. FoYing silent. Su was pleased to go home and tell SuXiaoMei listening, SuXiaoMei said: brother, you lost this time, you watch what other people are, what is your own, your view is that inner projection. Hate is a sentimental argument, if we are rational manner, almost the most annoying people who are worthy of the study. The general stress response of people are sympathetic to the weak, the strong dislike. Have a strong dislike of the most popular and most often are the target of hate because of a strong and "convicted." American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said a word, he said: "Finally all the heroes are a nuisance." It is disgusting to use the model to obtain some sort of balance and equality, and thus to adapt to "the strong survive" Darwin, the ecological environment. 
     Set aside this point to say the least, will be regarded as an organic whole society, it is most people just hate the minority, their presence has a scavenger function, be able to see clearly the existence of people with less than. From hate mode to study mode of treatment are the best way around things. 
     Dissidents and others in the category between the opponents are most vulnerable to the most hated person. Both the countries, cities or individuals, the concept is likely to result in different differences, verbal abuse and hate. How to deal with heterogeneous elements, are tolerance, learn from, appreciate, accept, or bias? This is by no means the success of school choice are, but based on a sophisticated minds. 
     Nietzsche said: "If we can not do good, good to make us hate." He solved a philosophical problem, we hate object, is what we should not do things, even if it is good. If we can not do the study, learning will make us hate. The reason why most people hate because it is something we should not competent people. There is no reason not to study him. 
     Review of Bertrand Russell when Nietzsche said: "I dislike Nietzsche because he likes to meditate pain, as he has an obligation to own up to!" But this did not affect Russell's study of Nietzsche, he even unable to do so because, like Nietzsche meditation as painful to bear up to the chagrin of an obligation. 
     Think we are in the entertainment environment , Chen Kaige, Yang the Second ... ... In short, the list is a long list of Sina blog list celebrities will be "the most hated person named" traffic have discard the secular vision, calmly thinking, they really useless? the contrary, many of their ability, effort, endurance really worthy of our study. Learning without regulation. Those who walk in the forefront of the times people who are open learning mode. People will be worried, "I have finally become the person I hate", this risk exists, so someone quips: "When you become the person you hate, you have succeeded." Disgusting are brakes, they are studying in the economic history of the fast lane speed, hate us sober; and in today's financial crisis and stagnation-speed lanes, the study will make progress. 
     No one can please everyone, the most annoying person is a relative concept. Useful to remember a saying: "Please do the most disgusting people eat, rather than to ask your favorite people." 
     China hate or controversy List 

     Many people hate him, 
     Many people like him, 
     And hate him and love him despite all the people why it is very difficult, 
     Therefore, they are also among the most controversial list of the list. 
     But all is not important, 
     Important thing is this universe there is a rule: 
     Do you like people who will soon disappear, and you hate the person in possession of a mysterious energy, the more you hate him, he'll appear in front of you.

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